Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Full Band at The Hotel Utah!!!

As a songwriter in San Francisco, the Hotel Utah is one of those venues you know you've just gotta play. A building that has been around since 1908, and has true San Francisco history & charm... I've been to their notoriously crowded open mic a few times, and every time I walk through the doors, I think - "Might be time to book a show here."

So when Keeley Valentino emailed asking if I would join the bill in August with her and Natalie Metcalf, I was totally down. From there, the gig took on a life of its own. I asked my sister Shelby to join me, of course, because without her on backup vocals - it just doesn't sound right; the lovely Rebecca on electric cello as always; then Abigail on percussion, and we had been dying for a chance to get her on a full drum set. From there we knew we wanted bass, so I turned to Kevin White who did all the bass recording on the album - he's fantastic. And the cherry on top (yes, Betsy, I just referred to you as a cherry) was Betsy Adams sitting in on guitar. What an amazing group of people! I had such a blast playing with them - & luckily, my friends' boyfriend (and now friend of my own), Colin took some video. Check it!

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