Saturday, July 17, 2010

Who Needs the Great American? I'm a House Concert Convert...

Recently I had the pleasure of seeing Megan Slankard & Matt Nathanson perform at a House Concert in San Francisco. It was part of KC Turner's House Concert Series (get on that email list - he has some super performers!) and put on at Peter Finch's house from KFOG. It was lovely. Both musicians were amazing, Peter's house was beautiful and KC was a kick-ass host! I left feeling totally inspired. As an audience member, I felt so connected to Matt & Megan, and appreciated the music far more than some giant arena where I'm staring at a big screen TV's. As a musician - I began planning my very own house concert.

Two, to be exact. Technically the first was the Redding Backyard House Concert. The second, held indoors in SF was so generously hosted by one of my best friends (from childhood) Leigh Renard. She has an adorable place in the Sunset of San Francisco - so we rented some chairs, hit Costco for some snacks and let it happen. We were lucky to have the lovely ladies of Kindness & Lies open the evening, and they were (surprise) a smash! There's just something about women singing 3-part harmony that I'm a sucker for. I was joined by my sister Shelby Grolig, Rebecca Roudman (cello) and Abigail Picache (cajon). I remember half way through the set thinking - this room is packed full of some of the most important & wonderful people in my life. Awesome. And then there was an encore (who knew?!?) so I asked Adam (my producer) to join me on So Hard, which is the oldest song going on the new record! The cheesy moment of the evening was Niall & I doing a cover of one of my favorite songs - Stephin Merrit's "The Book of Love." After which, it turned into a cross-band-audience jam session fading into a party of whiskey & wine. Does it get better than this?


  1. Whitney
    I absolutely loved being there that night-
    you have an amazing voice and and even greater way about you. I am grateful to see how your family, friends and social circle came to support you and the new album. It really showed what a wonderful person you are, and I am glad that I got to be a part of that.
    thanks and God bless.

    Oh!, did Adam bring the Jamsion to the studio?

    Bob Bocanegra

  2. Thanks Bob! I'm so glad you enjoyed the evening. I hope we can do it again sometime soon. It was a great evening!

    And yes - the Jam-o has already been put to good use :)

    Hope to see you at the Utah in August!
