The evening only got better. Niall, Shelby & I met up with Barry, Leighdle & Debbie and drove down to the Mountain Winery. We picked up some drinks and dinner on the way, which we ate on a blanket up on the top of that mountain. You could see for miles! Some of our lovely friends from the super-duper band Kindness & Lies joined us and we enjoyed the sunset together. We had SO much fun that we were late (can you believe it?) to the show! The first Imogen Heap song sounded and we all ran like professional sprinters toward the venue. Let me just say this, if you ever have a chance to see a show at the Mountain Winery - don't miss it. It has got to be one of my favorite venues at this point (and I'm excited to see Swell Season there next month)! The beautiful venue was only surpassed by the awesomely talented and always inspiring Imogen Heap. Stream her new album "Ellipse" here. You won't be disappointed. In her live show, Imogen used a pedal board to layer her vocals on top of previously recorded sounds, like birds flocking from overhead trees & harmonics from wine glasses, on top of live sounds she made on stage with her body. It was like watching a scientist work.
A very pretty, musical scientist.